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The Deer Run Sno-Riders Club was established in 1970. The club was formed and registered with the state on December 1, 1970. The first year there were 44 family memberships and 16 single memberships. The membership number grew to a high of 121 members in 1979. Since that time membership has ranged from a low of 31 in the mid-90's to our current membership of 67.

Trails were established and marked to the surrounding area clubs. We now are paid for maintaining and leveling our trails by the county trail system. When the club was formed, the club paid for their own leveling of their trails. As you can see, we have come a long way in 30+ years. Hopefully we can keep up the progress and still have fun in this sport. We need the support of all our members to keep things going for Deer Run Sno-Riders.